MORO als duurzaam bedrijfsgeschenk?

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Zij gaven MORO al cadeau

Een relatiegeschenk waar je écht mee scoort

Duurzaam en Belgisch

Je geeft niet enkel een mooie en zeer kwalitatieve handzeep cadeau, door ons refill systeem schenk je het potentieel om honderden tot duizenden plastic flesjes te vermijden, evenals het overbodig transporteren van duizenden liters water. 


Zet uw bedrijf extra in de kijker door onze verschillende personalisatie opties. Van het personaliseren van de fles tot het maken van een eigen folder, wij denken graag met u mee.

Mooie gift verpakking

Alle geschenken zijn verpakt in een mooie gift box
(FSC gecertifieerd), bestaande uit 1 glazen fles en 2 refills.

I was disappointed many times when trying to incorporate more sustainable products into my daily routine. I always had the feeling I had to compromise on convenience, quality or aesthetic design. And therefore always ran back to my old, unsustainable habits.

Knowing the beauty industry had been serving us mostly water and single-use plastic for decades for the purpose of shelf space and pricing, I just knew there had to be a better way. Products that actually fit in people’s current lifestyle that have a positive impact, without compromising.

Since its debut in 2021, MORO’s vision has been to create luxury that makes life more beautiful, all the while protecting the earth for generations to come. A luxury that does not pollute, destroy or harm.

Yasmine Mili, MORO co-founder

Anatomy of our packaging

We feel responsible to communicate transparently about all our choices. Not just highlight the ingredients. Packaging is often forgotten, but has a big environmental impact.

We choose to be 100% transparent on all materials used, even the less sustainable ones. 

All packaging details

Social engagement

We were not sure if we should even include this section, as it was a no-brainer for us to work with a community driven partner. But we mean it when we want to be fully transparent.

Our Belgian partner, a sheltered workplace, carefully provides all assembly, stock and distribution of all MORO orders.